Welcome to the 9th International Conference on CSR, Sustainability, Ethics and Governance “Towards an ESG World”. This is the ninth international gathering of its kind after successful events held in London, Nanjing, Cologne, Perth, Santander, Abu Dhabi, Lisbon (virtually) and Baton Rouge in previous years and will be the second to be hosted in Santander, Spain, 14-16 June 2023.
This annual event is one of the largest international conferences focusing on responsible business with delegates from over 40 nations expected to present their latest research and its practical implications for business, society, academia and politics.
The conference is organized by Santander Financial Institute of UCEIF Foundation in collaboration with the Global Corporate Governance Institute.
It will be an excellent platform to deliberate upon global themes of Corporate Social Responsibility, sustainability, ethics and governance in all their various dimensions.
General secretary & secretary of the Board of Directors at Banco Santander SA.
Graduate with a joint degree in Business Administration and Law from the E-3 programme at ICADE, and state attorney.
Other significant positions: Mr Pérez was the deputy head of Legal Services of the Spanish National Securities Market (CNMV), cabinet director for the Deputy Vice President for Economic Affairs and Minister of Economy (Spanish government), general secretary and board secretary of Banco Español de Crédito, S.A., deputy general secretary, board secretary and head of Legal Affairs at the Santander Group and under-secretary for the Presidency of the Spanish Government and chairman of the Committee for Public Administration Reform (CORA).
He served as chairman of The Official Agency of the Official State Gazette and he also served on the boards of Patrimonio Nacional, Sociedad Estatal de las Participaciones Industriales (SEPI), Holding Olímpico, S.A., Autoestradas de Galicia, S.A. and Sociedad Estatal para la Introducción del Euro, S.A.
Director for Horizontal policies at the Directorate-General for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union at the European Commission.
Marcel Haag studied law at the universities of Freiburg, Bonn, Strasbourg and at the EUI in Florence and qualified as a judge in Düsseldorf. After a short stint in business, he joined the European Commission and worked in different Commission services. Until the summer of 2020 Mr Haag served as a Director for policy coordination in the Secretariat-General of the Commission. He is currently Director for Horizontal policies at the Directorate-General for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union.
Head of Responsible Banking and Sustainability at Santander Spain
Marta has 20 years of experience in the financial sector, where she has developed numerous functions that give her a global and multidisciplinary vision.
She joined the Santander Group three years ago in the area of Strategy and CEO Office where she is director of government and country coordination. Previously, she was Head of Rating Agencies Relations and director of Corporate Development projects, all at Banco Popular, where she arrives from Fitch Ratings. Marta began her career in France where she specialized in macroeconomic analysis within the Commercial Office of the Spanish Embassy in France and later at CESCE as a macroeconomic analyst and head of Latin America, within the company's research and analysis service.
Since October 2019 he has occupied his current position in charge of the definition and implementation of Santander Spain's Responsible Banking and Sustainability agenda with all its stakeholders and with a special focus on the development of sustainable and responsible business with clients.
With a degree in economics from the UAM, Marta defines herself as a vocational economist and enthusiast of the topics that concern us today.
Professor at the Faculty of Economic Sciences,
"Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu, Romania (LBUS).
Her main research interests include: theoretical economics; philosophy/methodology of economics; economic epistemology; economic and institutional modelling; financial markets. She was awarded a postdoctoral degree by Romania's highest ranking scientific institution, the Romanian Academy, in 2010. Since 2019, she has worked as a PhD coordinator in Economics. She was a visiting professor at various European universities. She authored and co-authored a number of scientific publications, including articles, books (for example, Financial Market Analysis and Behaviour. The Adaptive Market Hypothesis, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2022; two books in 2023 accepted for publication by Springer) and conference proceedings. She was a member of the research team for over 30 research-development-innovation projects that were funded through competition or grants. She is a member of national and international scientific associations, as well as the Associated Editor of the journal Management of Sustainable Development and a member of international journal referee committees.