Venue and accommodation


The conference will be held at the Faculty of Economics a Science, located in the Campus of the Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu

Calea Dumbrăvii 17, Sibiu 550324 (Romania)

Faculty of Economic Sciences
(Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu)

The Faculty of Economic Sciences at Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu is a leading academic institution that offers a comprehensive range of programs in the field of economics. With a strong focus on providing students with a solid theoretical foundation and practical skills, the faculty equips graduates with the knowledge and tools necessary to excel in today’s dynamic business world. The faculty boasts a team of experienced professors and industry professionals who bring their expertise and real-world insights into the classroom, ensuring that students receive a well-rounded education.
Students at the Faculty of Economic Sciences have the opportunity to choose from a diverse selection of study programs, including undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in areas such as Business Administration, Management, Business Informatics, Accounting, Finance and more. The faculty combines theoretical coursework with practical experiences, offering internships, research projects, and partnerships with local and international businesses to enhance students’ learning and career prospects. Additionally, the faculty organizes various seminars, workshops, and conferences, providing students with valuable networking opportunities and exposure to the latest trends and developments in the field of economics. With its commitment to academic excellence, professional development, and strong ties to the business community, the Faculty of Economic Sciences at Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu prepares students for successful careers in the ever-evolving field of economics and business.


Sibiu is a charming city located in the heart of Transylvania, Romania. With its rich history and architectural beauty, Sibiu has become a popular tourist destination. The city is known for its well-preserved medieval old town, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Wandering through the narrow cobblestone streets, visitors can admire the colorful buildings, Gothic-style churches, and impressive squares like the Large Square and the Small Square. Sibiu is also home to numerous museums, including the Brukenthal National Museum, which houses an impressive collection of art, and the ASTRA National Museum Complex, an open-air museum that showcases traditional Romanian village life. With its vibrant cultural scene, excellent cuisine, and warm hospitality, Sibiu offers a delightful blend of history, tradition, and modernity.

In addition to its historical and cultural attractions, Sibiu hosts various events and festivals throughout the year, adding to its vibrant atmosphere. One of the most renowned events is the Sibiu International Theatre Festival, which gathers artists and performers from around the world to showcase their talents.

Beyond its architectural splendor, Sibiu is surrounded by breathtaking natural landscapes. The city is nestled in the foothills of the Carpathian Mountains, offering outdoor enthusiasts a wide range of activities. The nearby Păltiniș Resort is a popular destination for hiking, skiing, and enjoying the picturesque scenery. Additionally, Sibiu serves as a gateway to the stunning Transylvania region, where visitors can explore the enchanting castles of Bran and Peleș, as well as the idyllic countryside dotted with fortified churches and traditional villages. Sibiu’s blend of history, culture, and natural beauty makes it a must-visit destination for travelers seeking a captivating experience in Romania.


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