More than 200 Presenters from over 40 Nations present the latest research results and its practical implication to Management, Society, Academia and Politics. The conference is set up in 6 unique parallel streams providing high-level input from leading research institutes and business representatives.
Sustainabiligy and economic success - Think business differently (German) - Seperate Invitation
Welcome Reception
by Dr. Ulrich S. Soénius, Vice President of IHK Köln and Prof. Dr. Nicholas Capaldi, President of Global Corporate Governance Institute
Moderated by: Gisela Steinhauer, WDR
- Günther Horzetzky, State Secretary in the Ministry of Economics, NRW
- Prof. Dr. Haifeng Huang, Director of Peking University HSBC Business School's
- Center for Green Economy
- Harald Goost, CEO Bierbaum-Proenen
- Business Representative
by Rene Schmidpeter, Conference Chair; Hualiang Lu, Nanjing University of Finance and Economics; Samuel O. Idowu, Metropolitan University; Lisa Fröhlich, President CBS
What is your contribution to make the world more sustainable?
- John Spengler, Harvard University: Does sustainability contribute to healthy life?
- Dancia Purg, IEDC: The future of sustainable management depends on universities
Moderated by: Lisa Fröhlich, CBS
- Carolyn Hutter, Porsche
- Frank Klein, Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management International GmbH
- Bernhard Schwager, Bosch
- Andreas Streubig, OTTO
- Katharina Tomhoff, DHL
- Ralf Zastrau, Nanogate
Keynote Speech: Bradley Googins, Boston College Carroll School of Management: The Power of Innovation in fostering sustainability
- Haifeng Huang, Peking University: Does China become the new superpower of sustainability?
- Andre Habisch, Catholic University of Eichstaett: What are the cultural roots of sustainability?
- Paul McDonald, Victoria Business School, New Zealand: Is our brain designed to act sustainable?
- Michael Henriques, ILO
- Leland Entrekin, Murdoch University
by Rene Schmidpeter, Conference Chair; Nicholas Capaldi, Loyola University; Martin Brueckner, Murdoch University